
This page will go through each type of permission type within FaxCAD. There is currently only three permission types.

It's important to use a numeric ID when adding users to permissions. Not username!

Master Admin

The master admin is the customer or purchaser of the FaxCAD copy. These users have full permissions over every aspect of the CAD's permission system. They cannot be removed and altered via the CAD. The only was that a master admin can be altered or changed is from contacting FaxCAD staff for it to manually be changed.


FaxCAD Administrators are underneath the master admin permission. These users have near the same permissions to a master admin. However, unlike master admins, administrators can be removed and altered within the staff panel.

Administrators can see the following in the staff panel. site settings, verifications, add/remove admins, add/remove supervisors, department setting controls, news system, and report/ticket management, license management.


FaxCAD supervisors are the lowest permission set in FaxCAD. These users are watered down and have basic permissions to help manage your CAD. Supervisors have the following permissions

verification, report/ticket management, create warrants, license management.

IMPORTANT: If you have a user as an Administrator, you DO NOT need to add them as a supervisors

Last updated